Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Who we are

This website is operated by Didimo, Inc. We are a technology company called Didimo, which, through our services, allows you to create a lifelike digital version of yourself to use as an interface with technologies of all sorts. Using our service means that you can experience a new level of ownership and responsibility of your online identity. For more information about our services, please visit:

Our website

This cookie policy relates to your use of our website,, our Customer Portal,, and our mobile application (“Didimo Showcase”).

Throughout our website, Customer Portal and Didimo Showcase we may link to other websites owned and operated by certain third parties. These other third-party websites may also use cookies or similar technologies in accordance with their own separate policies. For example, users may log into Didimo using their Facebook and Google Accounts, which may have their own privacy and cookies policies. For privacy information relating to these other third-party websites, please consult their policies as appropriate.

Cookies and local storage

A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto your device (such as your computer, smartphone or other electronic device) when you use our website or Didimo Showcase.

Local storage is an industry standard technology that allows a web application or website to store information locally on your device.

We use cookies on our website and within Didimo Showcase. We also use local storage on our Customer Portal. This helps us to recognise you and your device and allows us to store some information about your preferences or past actions, to identify you as a user, to ensure that our services are able to function properly and also to allow us to gain insights into how our services are used so that we are able to improve them.

For example, we may monitor how often you use Didimo Showcase and Customer Portal or visit the website, which pages and functions you visit, traffic data, location data and the originating domain name of your internet service provider. This information helps us to build a profile of our users and improve our website, Customer Portal, Didimo Showcase and our services generally. Some of this data will be aggregated or statistical, which means that we will not be able to identify you individually.

For further information on our use of cookies and local storage, including a detailed list of your information which we and others may collect through cookies, please see below.

For further information on cookies generally, including how to control and manage them, visit or

We will ask for your permission (Consent) to place cookies or other similar technologies on your device, except where they are essential for us to provide you with a service that you have requested (for example, when the cookies are required for session control, such as to enable you to subscribe and sign up to our services online, use your user account and/or purchase services from us via the website, the Customer Portal or Didimo Showcase).

You can withdraw any consent to the use of cookies or manage any other cookie preferences by clicking the relevant option via the banner when you first visit our website, Customer Portal or Didimo Showcase, or when you click on the icon at the bottom of any page of our website or the Customer Portal (or visit the preferences settings within Didimo Showcase). You can then adjust the sliders to set your preferences. It may be necessary to refresh the page or Didimo Showcase for the updated settings to take effect.

Our use of cookies

The table below provides more information about the cookies we use and why:

The cookies we use (and owner of those cookies) Name Purpose Whether cookie is essential for us to provide you with a service that you have requested and whether we will seek your consent before we place the cookie
Universal Analytics (Google) ga, _gali, _gat, _gid This is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc which we use on our website. This is a service which uses cookies to show us how visitors found and explored our website, and how we can enhance their experience. It provides us with information about the behaviour of our visitors (such as how long they stayed on our website, the average number of pages viewed) and also tells us how many visitors we have had.

This cookie collects information in an anonymous form and does not collect any personal information about you.

Please read Google’s privacy policy which sets out their guidance on how they use the cookies, how long they remain active once you have given consent, and the data generated by them.

No, this cookie is not essential and is purely for analytics purposes, so we will therefore request your consent before placing this cookie.
Didimo Showcase (Didimo Inc) DDUI This is a session cookie that we place within Didimo Showcase and website, which ensures that you are recognised when you move from page to page within our website and around Didimo Showcase and allows us to ensure user authentication. This means that this cookie ensures that any information you have entered is remembered. This avoids you being treated like a new visitor each time you visit our website or navigate between the different pages or open Didimo Showcase. This cookie also allows you to log into your online account via our website or Didimo Showcase and to make purchases.

These cookies are only used during a particular browser session and expire each time you close your browser or Didimo Showcase and do not remain on your device afterwards.

Yes, this cookie is essential (we will therefore not request your consent before placing this cookie).
Didimo website (Wordpress) DDMUI,

Any cookie generated by “Universal Analytics (Google)”

These cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, such as which pages you visit most often, and if you get error messages from any pages on our website. These cookies do not collect any information which allows you to be identified personally. The information collected through these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous and we only use them to improve the functionality of our website.

Please read Wordpress’ cookies policy which sets out their guidance on how their cookies function as well as the specific data they collect.

Please read Google’s privacy policy which sets out their guidance on how they use the cookies, how long they remain active once you have given consent, and the data generated by them.

No, this cookie is not essential and is purely for performance analytics purposes, so we will therefore request your consent before placing this cookie.
Customer Portal DDCookieConsentSig,


These cookies collect information about the cookie policy acknowledgement by our visitors. Yes, this cookie is essential (we will therefore not request your consent before placing this cookie) because it is a technical tool which we use to monitor your consent to cookies.

Third party access to the cookies

The cookies we use will only be accessed by us and those third parties named in the table above for the purposes referred to in this cookie policy. Those cookies will not be accessed by any other third party.

Social media sites: our website, Customer Portal and Didimo Showcase use trackers in order to allow you to share content on social media networks/platforms and also allows you to use your social media log-ins with Google and Facebook to log in to Didimo’s services.

How to turn off all cookies and consequences of doing so

If you do not want to accept any cookies, you may be able to change your browser or device settings so that cookies (including those which are essential to the services requested) are not accepted.

If you do this, please be aware that you may lose some of the functionality of our website or Didimo Showcase.

For further information about cookies and how to disable them please go to the guidance on cookies published by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), or

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about this cookie policy or the information we hold about you.

If you wish to contact us, please send an email to

Changes to this policy

This policy was published on 1st April 2020 at, and last updated on 15th December 2020.

We may change this cookies policy from time to time, when we do, we will inform you via this page. Please check back regularly to ensure you are always aware of the latest version in force.